Want to join Reformation?
Here's what you need to know.
Reformation church holds to the belief that membership should mean something. Because of this, Reformation church has a few steps for those wishing to become members.
Membership Application
New Member's Class
The next step in joining Reformation is that the prospects need to attend a new members class. This class goes over the history of Reformation, the Constitution of Reformation, the 1689 LBC, as well as member's responsibilities. To attend this class, just ask one of our Elders when the next class will be held.
Elder Interview and Church Affirmation
Once the prospects have filled out the new member application and attended the new member's class, the prospects will meet with one or more of the elders so that each can discuss any remaining questions. Then, the elders will bring the new members before the church for their affirmation of their membership.
Key Aspects to a Meaningful Church Membership
The members of a church should be Christians. In Acts, those who believed the gospel were added to the church (2:41, 47). Paul’s letters to churches are letters to Christians (Rom. 1:7, 1 Cor. 1:2). While no church will perfectly discern who is and isn’t a Christian, every church should open its membership only to those who credibly profess faith in Christ.
The members of a church should be regular attenders. Church membership helps churches oversee the lives of their members. If someone doesn’t regularly attend, the church has no way of knowing how the person is doing.
Members view the church as their primary context for fellowship and ministry. “I’m a member of First Presbyterian Church, but my real ministry is…” is an unbiblical way to begin a sentence. The New Testament is full of “one anothers” that were written to the members of local churches. That’s not to say that Christians shouldn’t fulfill those commands among Christians in other churches as occasion arises. Still, the New Testament envisions Christians fulfilling those commands primarily among a concrete group to whom they are accountable (e.g. 1 Cor. 12).
The members of a church should have certain biblical privileges and responsibilities. The members of a local church should have the privilege of being admitted to the Lord’s Supper. They also have the responsibility to:
Pray for the church.
Be in transparent relationships with other church members in which they care for, encourage, rebuke, teach, and learn from each other (Eph. 4:15-16).
Submit to the church’s leadership and teaching (Heb. 13:17).
Promote unity in the body (Eph. 4:3).
Financially support the church’s ministry (Gal. 6:6).
Use the spiritual gifts to build up the body however they can (1 Cor. 12:7).
New Member Documents
These documents are what you need to start the process of becoming a member of Reformation.

Membership Application

Church Covenant